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"Our separation from each other is an optical illusion." Albert Einstein

The reason you found us :)


Circle Of UnU is a church of animism fostering Shamanic & Gnostic principles and pracices.

We are here at this spectacular time in history to help eachother RE-MEMBERING our true divine nature. At Circle Of UnU, it's our sacred mission to facilitate this remembering by providing the safe container where exploration of true, higher self can take place. We are being called now to embody and stabilize the Rainbow Frequency. As we embody our All-essence (the Rainbow Frequency of divine love), we literally change the world.

Why "Circle Of UnU"? The finite circles are parts of one another and they are parts of God, the Source. Unu -derived from unus in Latin means ONE. It also means You and You -encountering & integrating of your higher self & other selves), we are all One.

Circle Of UnU was established by Meda & Sam as a place for connecting to the Cosmic Knowledge, Spirit Realm & Source Field through Charitable, Educational, Religious gatherings and workshops on the sacred grounds of UnU Center, blessed by Rio Grande. Circle Of UnU is meant to be the alternative, non-denominational congregational space where you can dance, sing or pray as a way to connect to the higher dimenssions. Circle Of UnU is the spiritual & religious branch of Mutation-Station (aka: glimpses through the new paradigm using essential tools of Hypnotherapy & Shamanism). Circle Of UnU has a strong affinity with The Gnostic Church (as you can learn more in our About section), as well as with the Circle of the Sacred Earth (the Shamanic Church Meda became a Minister of).

Meda & Sam met under the sign of the Rainbow and Music, and are together here to share from their journey and findings on the path of Divine Feminine & Masculine Union, and encourage all of you seekers to recognize & trust the medicine that emerges from your experiences. All are welcome, regardless of background or faith.

Your frequency and your beliefs create your reality. Be conscious of what you are aligning with, because that is what you will manifest. If you release limiting beliefs, you can tap into the infinite divine flow, any time. And you will see that your power, magic and sovereignty are not governed by externals.

Let there be light.